For the sake of Reason
Tommy Jonsson

Unlimited time from limbo,
My dream of Sylvia's rest
The way she would see I saw her.
Except for a hole in the chest.

I made it with love. And her passion
-her face revealed it to me-
stirred up partly by my old fashion
took off, trying better to be

the woman, a Mother of many
with eyes of excitement and joy.
I desired it: know not of any
a man, or even a boy

that better deserved it,ever,
than I who was newborn twice.
No, Sylvia, I shall never
forget girls are different from guys.
Poetry&Image Schumann/Träumerei
Sequencer Unknown
<bgsound src="traum.mid">
Kindly sent by my friend
from Sweden - 07/04/99