©1998-2013 Maria Helena Rowell

Museums of the Mind : Magritte's Labyrinth and Other Essays in the Arts
by Ellen Handler Spitz
Hardcover/Published 1995

"Just as human relationships develop over time, so do our ties to cherished works of art. Operating from a psychoanalytic perspective, the author takes an in-depth look at the surrealist paintings of Rene Magritte, then leads the reader in a journey through other "museums of the mind": interrelated works in drama, film, cartoon art, poetry, and opera. An examination of the power of art to shape the mind as well as to be shaped by it." (Review From Book News, Inc.)

Shameful Life of Salvador Dali
by Ian Gibson
Hardcover/Published 1998

How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci:
Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
by Michael Gelb
Hardcover/Published 1998

Gelb's view reflects the current trend in working with "multiple intelligences" and creativity, and is similar to the approach outlined in Todd Siler's Think Like a Genius (1997). The Renaissance mood Gelb successfully invokes, however, adds a unique richness to this deeper, more expansive work." Publishers Weekly

M.C.Escher: His Life and Complete Graphic Work
by M.C.Escher
Hardcover/Published 1992

All of the more than four hundred and fifty prints made by the popular graphic artist are reproduced and thoroughly discussed in an annotated study of Escher's unique visual exploration of time and space.

Monet in the 20th century
by Paul Hayes Tucker
Hardcover/Published 1998

This richly illustrated book examines for the first time the extensive body of work that Monet completed from 1900 until his death in 1926, a period during which he was enormously productive, increasingly wealthy, and ever more venerated.155 illustrations, 130 in color (Amazon.com)

Dear Theo:The Autobiography of Vincent Van Gogh
Paperback/Published 1995

Van Gogh's brother Theo was his confidant and companion, and, in his letters to
him, Van Gogh reveals himself as artistand man. Even more than if he had purposely intended to tell his life story, Van Gogh's letters lay bare his deepest feelings, as well as his everyday concerns and his views of the world of art (Amazon.com)
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