©1998-2013 Maria Helena Rowell

Creating Creativity: 101 Definitions
(what webster never told you)
by Alden B. Dow Creativity Center Press
Paperback/Published 2000
"It is my deep belief that only all definitions together in their wholeness as well as in tiny nuances can produce an adequate reflection of such a complex phenomenon as creativity." -- ALEANDR (Amazon.com)

Ingrid and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire's
Book of Greek Myths
Hardcover/Published 1962

No education is complete without a large slice of Greek mythology. And there's no better way of meeting that literary quota than with the D'Aulaires' book. All the great gods and goddesses of ancient Greece are depicted in this big, beautiful classic, lovingly illustrated and skillfully told. Young readers will be dazzled by mighty Zeus, lord of the universe; stirred by elegant Athena, goddess of wisdom; intimidated by powerful Hera, queen of Olympus; and chilled by moody Poseidon, ruler of the sea. These often impetuous immortals flounce and frolic, get indiscreet, and get even. From petty squabbles to heroic deeds, their actions cover the range of godly--and mortal--personalities (Amazon.com)

The Castle
by Franz Kafka
Hardcover/Published 1998

To read Kafka is always a surprising encounter. It shocks literary conventions and takes you with a jolt to the depths of the soul. Kafka's writing is daring in its expression but not experimental. It is like the prose of the Bible: factual, to the point, without ornament and without too many adjectives.... The new translation by Harman restores Kafka to Kafka.The Los Angeles Times Sunday Book Review, Aharon Appelfeld

The Brothers Karamazov:
A Novel in Four Parts with Epilogue (Vintage Classics)
by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Paperback/Published 1991

This acclaimed new English version of Dostoevsky's magnificent last novel does justice to all its levels od artistry and intention: as murder mystery, black comedy, pioneering work of psychological realism, and enduring statement about freedom, sin, and suffering. " . . . come(s) as close to Dostoevsky's Russian as possible."--Joseph Frank, Princeton University.

Diary of a Madman and other Stories (Penguin Classics)
by Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol
Paperback/Published 1991

Complete Works of Oscar Wilde:
Stories, Plays, Poems and Essays
Paperback/Published 1989

Here is a collection of this witty and irreverent author's works--
all in their most authoritative texts. Includes The Picture of Dorian Gray,
The Importance of Being Earnest, and other stories and essays (Amazon.com)
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